Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

InTASC Standard #9 emphasizes the importance of ongoing professional learning.  Effective teachers continually work with their students, parents and other professionals to evaluate and improve classroom instruction and adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of each learner.

#1 Parent Communication

One way that I implement the professional learning and ethical practice standard is by communicating with parents on a regular basis. I find that the best way to serve individual students and meet their needs is to create an open dialogue between myself and families throughout the year. I do this by sending out an introduction letter, monthly calendars, creating a classroom Facebook page, and sending postcards to students’ homes throughout the year.

#2  Kappa Delta Pi, education honors society

Another way that I adhere to the professional learning and ethical practice standard is by participating in Kappa Delta Pi, the educational honors society at Hollins University. As a member of this honor society, I am able to collaborate with other professionals, and access webinars and other online training.




#3 Professional memberships

I adhere to the professional learning and ethical practices standards is by participating in multiple professional memberships including the National Science Teaching Association and Project Wild, and others. As a member of these different organizations, I have access to current research and best practices in education.