Content Knowledge

The content knowledge standard ensures that educators deeply understand the content they teach and know how to transfer their knowledge to students in clear and effective ways. Effective teachers are knowledgable about their subjects, and how to teach students. Upon mastery of this standard, teachers create learning experiences that allow their students to understand and connect to information in meaningful ways and master the content themselves.

#1 Praxis Scores

I demonstrate the content knowledge standard through my passing scores on the Praxis II exam. My scores on the praxis show my deep knowledge of the multiple content areas I will teach as a pre-K-6 educator. By receiving a passing score on the Praxis II exam, I demonstrate that I have the content knowledge necessary to provide my students with a deep and meaningful instruction in multiple content areas.

#2 RVE and VCLA Scores

Another way I uphold the content knowledge standard is though excelling in my VCLA and RVE exams. My passing scores on these exams show that I am knowledgeable and capable to teach in an elementary school setting.

#3 Hollins Education 

My extensive coursework in education through Hollins University is further evidence of mastering the content knowledge standard. During my two years at Hollins, I received instruction in all core subject areas, as well as instruction on how to effectively transfer that content to students in a developmentally appropriate way. I also completed several field experiences, including an internship in Roanoke City schools, and my student teaching experience in Roanoke County Schools.